
Aloha From Philly

I always look forward to the beginning of March because that is when The Philadelphila Flower Show rolls into town.  Touted as the largest flower show in the nation, it seems every year to get a little smaller. This year was no exception.  Last year had us marveling at Spring Time in Paris, and Spring Time in Paris ~ Underground in the Catacombs.  In 2012, we're more lounge chair spectators, admiring the sea of exotic, brightly colored flowers and wondering how many species of orchids there must be!

All the Islands were represented, again mostly by their display of riotous color and some relaxing spots to idle the day away ~

Remind me to tell you the story sometime of how I almost divorced my husband on the back side of the Road to Hana.  HARROWING!  (Hairpin turns in the dark on cliffs without guardrails?  What was her problem?  It was fun!--Carrie's husband (still))  When we saw this we had a good laugh, then I broke out in a cold sweat.

I love the fantasy, the scent, the beauty; and there's always a little take-away.  Who knew decorating with sea sponges could be so beautiful?  This is going right in my inspiration/entertaining/tabletop file.

ph: CLI

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