
Ship Shape

Canopy Designs

I love interesting lighting.  For me it's the jewelry in a room.  This ship chandelier comes across my path now and again, and I am amazed at the flexibility with which it easily resides in any room or period. 

Muriel Brandolini

There are antique versions, upwards of $30,000.00 in the manner of 1930's French designer, Maison Baugès all the way down to a small fixture brought to you by Pottery Barn kids.  Talk about a high/low.

It's quirky and charming, elegant but at the same time fun.  It makes a statement, but it can be subtle as well.  It's a very complex little fixture. 

Joy Tribout

You would think you would see it more in a home by the sea, but not so.  I like the pairing of the crystal ship fixture in the rooms painted dark where it shows best and really sets a mood. 

Ken Fulk

Gwynn Griffith

I often see them on 1st dibs, varying in size and look from bow to stern, but each displaying the characteristics that make it a swimming choice.  Is this something you could see living with?

Katie Leede & Co

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