
A Growing Trend ~ Wellness Living

What do Leo DiCaprio and I have in common?  Our love of and respect for Delos Living.
This company was started by twin brothers who came from the financial sector and saw a need for marrying health and wellness indoors with the multi trillion dollar real estate market.  Call it wellness integrated design.  Unlike building green, Delos looks at products that could be put into interiors to support whole body wellness.  Flooring for less impact on knees and joints, circadian lighting for a better night's sleep, vitamin C shower heads, air purifiers, to name a few are products that promote better health.

Leo and Deepak Chopra are on board, putting their money where their mouths are, by buying real estate of their own in a Delos' designed project.  Below is Leo's new 10 million dollar eco friendly wellness apartment.

Delos is committed to advancing a better living experience:  better water, better air, better insulation for sound dampening.  They are rethinking how we feel when we are in a space.  Building products are put in place to allow a body to self regulate and hopefully reduce stress.  The point being to nurture and promote a sense of well being.  The mind/ body connection is alive and well in one of Delos' wellness residences.

With people living in close proximity to each other, the home should be a peaceful refuge.  The well being standard that President Clinton signed into action a part of the Clinton Global Initiative, gives thought to the way homes, schools, hospitals, etc. are being built, with the materials used in construction and the products put in place in the interior promoting health and well being.  We could all benefit from that and need all the help we can get!

I first learned of Delos when I was invited to design a show apartment in a new renovation in downtown Philadelphia.  The Icon has a floor dedicated to the well signature amenities offered by Delos.  It is possible, as I understand it, to "a la carte" some of the amenities into other apartments as well.

Here's a funny (not) graphic of the effects of lack of sleep on our bodies.  Pretty significant, I'd say!  We seriously do not spend enough time considering what seems inconsequential, but is absolutely not.   I am getting circadian rhythm lighting installed immediately!

Having this information will not only make me a healthier individual but a better designer, doing better work, because I will have put into place some of these products to nurture my holistic health!
Sounds like a win/win~

photos:NY Curbed

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