
Steam Heat

It's hard to believe I was in California on Blogtour 6 weeks ago.  Yikes!  Time is flying and I am wrapping up my coverage by talking about steam, Mr. Steam to be exact.  Miele extols the virtues of cooking with it and Mr. Steam, as the name implies, wants you to understand the benefits of incorporating it into your bathing ritual.   
Steam baths have deep roots and a long tradition starting with ancient civilizations.  While bathing is no longer communal, it is still felt to benefit us in much the same way.  Great rooms, home theaters, and wine cellars in our mcmansions may be reserved for a lucky few, but a well thought out spa room (bathroom) is the new upgrade people are desiring, and steam should be thought of as integral part of the perfect shower experience.

There are SO many benefits to incorporating steam into a shower ~  

~ improved breathing and circulation 
~hot mist is good for sinuses & allergy sufferers
~opens pores for a healthy glow/nice complexion
~ makes shaving a breeze, helps lessen ingrown hairs
~ removes toxins, detoxifies
~ increases circulation, increases flexibility 
~ increase the length of REM sleep cycles
~ helps with arthritis & achy muscles 
~ relieves stress
~ fosters a sense of well being

If all the reasons I just mentioned weren't motivating enough ~  on average a shower with steam burns 150 calories in a 15 minute session on a 114 degree setting.  How could I not have known this?? 

 It can be added  to an existing shower, but admittedly it looks easier to incorporate into a new one.   By adding chromatherapy, music therapy, or aromatherapy you just increased the experience ten fold!

Mr. Steam is raising the bar on its own sleekly designed shower interface with the new STEAM 2.0 model.  It has mobile control technology.  You can control your home security system, lights, and now shower experience as well, all from your phone!

Mr. Steam ~ Take me away

Inspired by the ancient baths or Hammams of Morocco, we were privileged to try  TALA  products, Mr. Steam's answer to a deeply enriching experience with the addition of the clay, soap, and argon oil.  All I can tell you is, after I used TALA, I slept like a baby

It just feels good!

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