
Cocoon Me

My motto this summer has been:  Work hard, play harder.  I have been having an awfully good time.  I have to say though that the traveling, studying for my life coach program, and the ongoing projects I have been working on have kind of kept me behind the 8 ball.  The thing that suffered has been the blog.  I have not had time to do it all, but it won't always be that way.  Hang in there with me!

While in the Hamptons last weekend I learned about Chris Burch's new project.  Chris Burch (of Tory Burch's ex and the defunct C. Wonder stores) has a new project, and this one I can get behind!

Cocoon 9  is an upscale, sustainable, modern approach to living in a prefabricated, flexible structure with a high design aesthetic.  Whether using it as a pool house, guest house, artist or yoga studio, mountain side home (ME,ME,ME) or oceanside bungalow, it has a plethora of possibilities!  Built by custom home builder Edwin Mahoney, it allows for some customization, but is full of well thought out details and plenty of storage.

Mecox Gardens in Southampton assembled one on their grounds for tours.  It is impressive.

The cabins are made of steel and can be configured or stacked in several ways.  They are environmentally friendly, can withstand 150 mph winds, can be adapted for solar power, have insulated walls and incorporate LED lighting.  They are 12 by 40 feet and average $250,000.00.  There is a "lite" model as well which is a little smaller and therefore a little less costly.  The floors are kept light and a lot of white lacquer is employed along with floor to ceiling windows, all in an effort to reflect light and connect to the outdoors so you get the feel of a more expansive space.  Kitchenettes, bathrooms and murphy beds are included, but there are MANY clever ways to upgrade your petite prefab.  Carrera marble and bamboo anyone?

HC & G  hosted a girl's get-together at Chris Burch's Cocoon 9 pool house on his Southampton property.

I may get that mountain house after all !!!

Once I find the perfect piece of property near Aspen ~ I am ready to rock and roll.  The lead time is 16 weeks.  Hell, I've waited longer for a table!

phs: HC & G via Eric Striffler, Cocoon 9

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