
A Breath of Fresh Air

I have fallen in love with houseplants again.  I used to use them in my interiors, then not so much, but like everything there is a season.... so I am enamored once again.  This time I am more attuned to their health benefits as well as their aesthetic appeal.  I long considered plants a necessity in a space,  but clients were resistant to the up keep.  Having something living is vital to give a space  ~  well, life.  Plants have a way of doing double duty.  They not only look good, they can make us feel good too.  Plants help create calm and reduce stress as well as absorb toxins floating in the air.  I have worked with several clients over the years who suffered from allergies or other ailments  Thinking about what products and materials I placed in their homes and any off gassing those products might have created was paramount to the health of my clients and the success of the projects.

The plants below have a particular ability above others to help us breathe a little easier!  They can rid the air of the top 3 VOC's, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene as well as pollen, cleaning and cooking fumes.

Ficus or Weeping Fig ~

Bamboo Palm ~

Kimble Interior

Snake Plant ~

Ashlee Raubach

English Ivy ~

Vincent Wolf

Peace Lily ~

via VosagesParis

Boston Fern ~

Spider Plant ~

Dracaena plant ~

Frank Roop

Helping you "Live Beauti-FULLY" one step at a time.

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