

POLITICS, bad weather, mind chatter, social media, terrorism, traffic, toxicity of any kind really reek havoc on our souls!  I have two words for you ~ Self Care.

I can't remember a time when there was so much collective stress, except maybe the economy in 2008.  We need to take a pause, and there really is only one way to do it ~ Self Care.

From the east coast to the west coast, from north to south, we coexist, we raise families, we all want the same things: to be happy, to be heard, to be loved.  We are more alike than we are different.  We're living in challenging times and we feel like we have no control.  Do you know what we have control over?  Self Care.

Rituals are a means to help create calm.  Whether it is a bathing ritual, a tea ritual, meditating, getting a massage, or getting together with friends on a regular basis.  We  need to make sure we take care of ourselves.  That we have control over!

Our homes are sanctuaries.  Make yours as calm a space as possible.  Whatever brings you joy within that space, by all means include.  Look at your home room by room and ask yourself, "Is this room balanced?"  Symmetry and balance create calm.  Does each room make me feel good?  Does it make me feel nourished?  Do I feel safe and cared for under this roof?

Double points for being able to bring the outside in.  Nature immediately helps quiet all the inner noise.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Found it on the LaColombe link. Sorry you did not like the coffee. Maybe try the teas. Love the butterfly tea cup. Beautiful post!


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