
Good Bye Elizabeth

I think we were all saddened by the passing of Elizabeth Edwards this week.  I obviously did not know her or the kind of person she was in private ~ but in public, especially during the last few years, she showed tremendous courage and grace during very difficult times.

I sat glued to my seat when she was interviewed by Oprah for 2 reasons:  I wanted to see her 28,000 sq. ft house in Chapel Hill, NC and I wanted to see what she was going to say about "the cad".

Besides the gift wrapping room, the Edwards had a full basketball court and workout room in the red barn, as well as God knows what else.  The house seemed warm and unpretentious, even for that size.

Elizabeth was interested in decorating.  She opened a store for a short time:  The Red Window.

I understand Elizabeth had purchased a new home and until she got the devastating news that the doctors could do no more, was moving forward with her life.  Now John will live there with the kids.

There was a sign in the kitchen that read:

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.

Everyday is an opportunity to make a choice:  happy or sad, angry or bitter, hopeful or blessed.  Sometimes it is hard to chose the RIGHT thing; forgiveness is an art that forces you to grow beyond
what you thought was possible, but your soul will thank you ☀

Photos:Hooked on Houses


  1. Thanks Carrie, Elizabeth Edwards will remain a terrific example of how real love works.

  2. Thank you for this post-very inspirational- Tia


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