
Is it Curtains for You?

I was walking by a house in Florida and saw something I had never seen before ~ a curtain draped garage entrance.  I love the touch!  It probably works best in a warmer climate.  I don't see it out west or in the Northeast, but what a great touch.  I'm sure the fabric is heavy duty indoor/outdoor and I adore the lines of the arch.  It seems the fold of the drapes settle right in there.  This house happens to be Spanish Mediterranean but I think any style home might lend itself to this application, if done properly.
The stylist in me wanted to run up and pull back the drapes on the one side so they were even but because of trespassing  issues I decided to stay on the side walk.

What do you think; like it or not?


  1. Honestly, I think it's kind of silly but now that I said that I'll probably see some that I like somewhere. Other than them not being even, did you like them?

  2. I do like it. I personally don't ever see myself using it in my own home, but I would keep it in mind for a client, if it made sense. The house was behind trees so I couldn't photograph it but it did look lovely


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