
Turquoise & Orange; discuss

I saw this painting and it reminded me of the pictures of a striking apartment I have in my, "Maybe I'll get a tiny apartment in NYC one day and need inspiration file".

Stewart Halley via Material Girls

And while we were on the subject of comic book colors (and I promise we will be moving on after this), I was wondering what your feelings are about this combination.  The vibrancy of the colors is jolting.  Many would temper it with more neutrals and save the strong color for accents, but not the woman who lives in this tiny 600 sq. ft. apt in NYC designed by D'Aquino Monoco.  I personally would never choose blue and orange or red as a color scheme and yet, I KNOW I could be so happy here!

Albert Pinto thought enough of this combination to deck out a yacht in it.  I think the warm wood-wrapped walls (below) or the beautiful honey floors and inlaid tile (above) give it enough warmth to cuddle up in.

What do you think?

ph: apt, NY times


  1. I was just saying how inspiring all of the turquoise and orange is that I saw in the new TRADhome magazine and here is yet even more inspiration. I like it but my fear is that my son will think it's about the Miami Dolphins and ruin it for me!!!

  2. It's very satisfying to see a piece I have created inspire others. Thank you.


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