
Word Game

Camomile Hixon

I love the use of words as a decorative element in a room.  They can be high art, witty, funky, descriptive, or just decorative.  The font tells a story as well.  I love the glittery words on canvas that Camomile is known for.  She is a favorite of the Novogratz's.  And speaking of the Novagratz's, they often use words in different forms on many of their projects.

Sixx Design for Bungalow Hotel

via Desire to Inspire

Martha Angus

ph:Douglas Freidman

Kishani Perera

Jenny Holzer's particular kind of art or word series that she calls "truisms," are generally to big for any one interior.  Sometimes it takes entire buildings for Jenny to get her point across.  But one of her pieces is artfully framed below.

Muriel Brandolini

Muriel did it again.  This time she lined the walls of this dining room in fabric after words were beaded onto it in Vietnam.  I believe it is a phrase from a Hemingway novel.  That's called ~ going the extra mile!

Ed Ruscha: Voltage

I love the creative phases with meaning hidden amongst the "ticker tape" symbols that inspired artist Mike Rollins.  Do you think he ever worked on Wall Street?

Can you guess what these paintings say?



1.Jealousy and Anger Shorten Life and Anxiety Brings on Old Age Too Soon
2. If You Want to Slip Into a Round Hole You Must Make a Ball of Yourself

Ed Ruscha

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