
A Tisket, A Tasket...

A Museum Worthy Basket

I love decorating with baskets.  These "master" baskets are really special!  I stumbled upon them on the  website Rainforest baskets.  They are self proclaimed museum worthy baskets.  That explains the price.  They must be the Mercedes Benz of baskets.  But, oh are they beautiful!

The baskets are woven by the Wounaan and Emberá tribes people of the rain forests of Panama and Columbia.  They call the art Hösig Di.  Chunga palm fibers and natural dyes are used to weave the baskets along with silk thread.

The baskets command upwards of $4,000.00 They are considered the most beautiful contemporary baskets in the world.  To learn more about these colorful people and their baskets, see the book, Weaving the Scarlett Macaw.

phs: Mountain Living


  1. HI Carrie, so happy to see you noticed the beauty of our collection. We work with only the best and master weavers of the indigenous Wounaan, and it shows. Most of our pieces take many months up to several years. We look forward to working with you on your next project!
    Sincerely- Jen Kuyper

    1. Hi Jen,
      It's so funny you should comment. I JUST got back from vacation and what did I have the pleasure of discovering? Your baskets, in person,at McHugh Antiques. They were surprised I knew so much about them. They are beautiful!

    2. Oh how fantastic, glad you got to see them in person. We are actually heading to the McHugh Gallery today, for a trunk show tomorrow through Saturday. We sure wish you could come through. Look forward to learning how we may fit into a project of yours. All the best, Jen


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