
A Prickly Post

A Cactus trompe l' oeil sofa ~ "Where sitting on thorns becomes playful and ironic."  Created by
Maurizo Galante.  I'd like to meet the person that owns one of these!


Valentina Gonzalez Wohlers

Digs Digs

A colorful backdrop of cacti sets off  Missoni for sure

While most people automatically think "Southwest", it can (and should) be taken out of the desert and into the most modern of settings.  The juxtaposition makes it cool!

Deger Cengiz

William Jewell created a live edge console and the base is formed from saguaro cactus skeletons.  Cool, huh?

More expected, but no less interesting and sculptural.

Diane Keaton kitchen

Kara Bartlet

 Lastly and most obvious, a little greenery goes a long way to bring life into a space ~ cacti; no muss, no fuss

Lori Dennis

1 comment:

  1. I love cacti! They're so interesting and add such a unique touch! I love the Robert Allen Potted Cacti fabric we have in Saddle on our site. It's all the fun of a cactus, but in a mild, sweet embroidered pattern.


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