
The Road to Eilat ~ Part 2

Sushi, our camel was a gentle giant!  I fantasized about a "Sex and the City moment," but reality took hold and my Lawrence of Arabia moment never materialized.

We loved having lunch in a Bedouin tent even though we were the only ones there.  I am feeling COLOR (and tassels) for spring/summer 2013

We  gasped at the vastness of Mother Nature

and were inspired by the natural beauty Petra provided.

We danced like Egyptians (this is as close to Egypt as I think I'll get)

and swam with the fish

We shopped; conveniently there was a vendor around every corner

Wait... "Is it a mirage?" It's a magnificent hotel on top of a mountain by a crater's edge, the Ramon crater.  No, Yes!
The Beresheet is a gorgeous 111 room hotel and spa that I spent more time taking pictures of than of the other sights we saw, as my husband delicately pointed out.  It so perfectly fit into its surroundings you hardly noticed it, which is the beauty and intention of it.  Every view was of the crater.  I wish I had more time!

We had to wrap up a trip that exceeded our expectations.  A dream was realized but ~

I was happy to return to "my American ways"

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