
Color is Calling

Nick Olsen for Lee Jofa

The last post was a tad gloomy.  The beautiful thing about a grey, sad day is when the clouds part and they always do, the sun shines bright. The following day always looks more radiant, clearer somehow.

 I have been admiring the new color way of the fabric on the settee that Nick Olsen put together in the NY showroom of Lee Jofa.  It's fun and flirty.

Lee Jofa: Pertelote

 I lean towards neutrals and black and white will always be chic, but Color is king right now in my book.  Forget about  the trends: bold color and pastels, these rooms feel good without speaking to any trend.  If color is king and comfort is key, it goes without saying that both should be expressed in your home if that is what speaks who you are!

Eileen Kathryn Boyd

Jamie Drake

Amanda Nisbet

Chris Kennedy

via House beautiful

Kathryn Ireland

Jamie Drake

These colorful rooms all look  chic without trying too hard.  Who doesn't love happy, cheery interiors?  Is it just me or are you feeling it too?

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