

I asked on Instagram just after the 1st of the year what word you would use to describe what you would like to manifest this year.  As we turned the calendar to 2017, did you choose your word for the year?  A word that you focus on, strive for, remind yourself to move towards can guide our thoughts and actions.  I am not one to make New Year resolutions.  I don't believe in them because they create opportunities for failure.  There's no right or wrong here.  I used to be of the mindset write it down, make it happen

My word is ABUNDANCE.  

It's a little touchstone throughout the year.  It is culmulative.  You are not setting a goal about what you want to achieve, you are setting a goal about who you want to be.  You may not see the effects of the universe giving you what you want at the time, but as the calendar once again turns to the next year and you look back, you might be amazed at the ways in which your word came to life.

 Live each day "as if."  As in ~  I have abundance, I have joy, I have fearlessness, I am grateful.
When you set the intention and are conscious of it, then when something happens that confirms the "as if" we feel good about it.  We want more of this good feeling that confirms "our thoughts become things"

Life is sweeter when you are consciously working on improving what isn't working.

heart graphic by LAF custom Designs

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