
Mad for Matches Marbleized Boxes

We all know details matter!  Every time I get a package from I am a little more thrilled than usual at the prospect of receiving something fabulous in one of their beautiful marbleized boxes!!

Branding is more than a buzz word.  In business, actually in life, everything nowadays is about your brand.  Who you are, what you stand for, how you show up on the world and consistently over many platforms.  I have been having this conversation a lot, as I have been "rebranding" of late.  There is a lot to think about.  You cannot underestimate the thought, and sometimes research, that goes into creating a signature look and logo.  British company Irving & Co created this look with marbleizing by artist Annie  Muir.  This brand look for Matches Fashion packaging is genius.  The boxes are so gorgeous that I want to hang onto them.  They not only look good, but they are weighty and have a magnetic closure.  I have taken to decorating with them.

It is worth buying something so you can get the box that is included free of charge with each purchase.  With a sale going on, now is the time.  If you are unfamiliar with the website ~ you have now been informed and warned.  It's addictive.  I'm sorry (not sorry) and you're welcome.

Design from Within definitely subscribes to the notion that if you want to elevate an experience, tune into how you can make it the best it can be.  You cannot overlook the details.  Up leveling an experience is good stuff!

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