
Flowers for the People

Imagine you are walking around New York City, you are minding your own business, you turn a corner and BAM!  You are stunned by the random, totally doesn't make sense, magnificent, giant floral arrangement you see before you!  You can hardly believe your own eyes!  Who would do such a thing?  AND...thank you!

I was perusing Instagram and was led down that rabbit hole we all experience.  An hour later, as I was swooning over Lewis Miller's beautiful photos, I realized this is the man that created guerrilla style floral warfare or floral flashes, as they have been called.  I had heard of this, but did not know much about it or the about the man that created these amazing "drive by" displays.

 “Gifting flowers to New Yorkers is a simple idea that I have been thinking about for years,” Lewis says. “I am in the business of fantasy and flowers, and it’s my job to transform key moments in my clients’ lives into joyful, everlasting memories. I wanted to recreate a similar feeling for the everyday city-dwellers and tourists of New York City.”

Like theives in the night, his team stealthily puts together a floral flash. just before sunrise.  Lewis' calling card is his initials in chalk beside the installation ~  LMD X NYC

It is Lewis' random act if kindness, bringing beauty to the gritty city streets and making New Yorkers smile.  He usually "gifts" used flowers left after one of his lavish events.  He wanted to create an emotional response and in this age of social media, he created much more.

Every surface is fair game from trash cans, to statues.  No street is safe for a make shift floral display. Lewis thinks of it as "Banksy-esque" street art.

Where will Lewis strike next?  I hope I get to "happen upon" a flower flash!  If you hear someone scream with delight, that would be me encountering this lovely little reminder in flowers that beauty is in unexpected places, always.

If people take the flowers as they go by, better yet.

 Thank you Lewis for helping us Live a little more Beauti-FULLY!

ph: via Lewis Miller Designs

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