
Affordable Art Fair ?

There was a very complimentary article about Oscar Murillo in the Sunday New York Times.  He is being called the modern day Basquiat.  Oscar has a show coming up at The David Zwirner Gallery and has auction prices in the half million dollar range.  For someone fairly unknown, that is part and parcel of the so called healthier economy, and another sign that the art market is on fire.  When the art world is hot and canvases are selling for record prices, which we have recently seen, what chance do we "average Joes"  have for purchasing well executed oils or lovely lithographs? 

The Affordable Art Fair is right around the corner.  I visited last year (see post here) and was quite impressed.  I can't wait to stop by again.  It is a fantastic way to pick up high quality art, sculpture, and photography, all at reasonable prices; reasonable being relative.  It also affords you the opportunity to get in on the ground floor, if you will, of collecting a piece from an emerging artist.  Take advantage of the un-intimidating environment to educate yourself and ask questions.

Raymond Ciborowski

Talented unknown artists who have had their work exposed here, as well as at the Independent Art Fair that just wrapped, have gone on to become commercially successful and highly collectable.  

Did you know there are art flippers?  Like everything in life, art is a gamble.  The trajectory of an artist and the amount of money one will pay for their works seems to be a risk some are willing to invest in.

If you are thinking of going, take a look at the Talks and Tours schedule.  One of the talks will feature Nate Berkus on art in interior design.

Buy art because it speaks to you, and don't underestimate it's importance when it comes to putting the finishing touches your home.

If you see me there, say hello

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