
THE BIG 50~0

Holy Moley, How did it happen? Where did the time go? It is not only a 4 year blogversary it is my 500th post. CRAZY!

The me 4 years ago could have never imagined the adventure I was signing up for.  Sometimes not having all the facts:being a little ignorant, isn't such a bad thing.  When you jump right in and your options are sink or swim, you tend to try VERY hard not to sink.  So I was determined to swim.  I have said it before, I didn't really know what I was getting myself into when I started this little blog, but you  figure it out!  I learned by doing.  I collaborated and cajoled.  I threw myself into some stories, while others were more difficult because I was less than inspired or just plain tired!  The blog, instagram, twitter, Facebook, Google+ accounts, plus my design work and the website are all tied in a neat little social media package that require attention.  Full disclosure: I still don't understand some of it and technically I struggle with much of it.  The point being, one supports the other, with the goal being ~ getting eyeballs to each of your social media platforms. 

There is power in numbers and people are paying attention!

The younger me, the 4 years ago me, would have said, don't stress so much over it, don't over think everything, don't be so hard on yourself.  Things have a way of working out.  Do put yourself out there more.  Build relationships within these social media communities.  It is time well spent.  It will pay off in opportunities that may come your way and relationships made.  The people I have met are incredibly supportive!

You can Have your Cake and Eat it too!

This little blog has brought so much into my life that I am thankful for! 
Carrie's Design Musings has opened doors to networking opportunities, afforded me the ability to travel. BTW, What a nice blogversary present I received in the form of a trip to California; follow my escapades as I travel the coast with Modenus on a blog trip coined, "The Well Designed Life".  The blog has helped educate and inspire me, fuel my passion for design of all kinds even more AND most importantly has enabled me to meet the most extraordinary people and create some incredible friendships!

I took a look back, this is my TOP 10 list of favorite posts  in no particular order ~ If you are so inclined

10. Bazaar Cover Collection

 9. A Design Driven Experience

 8. Spring Time in Paris ~ Underground

 7 .Branching Out

6.  The Aspen Food and Wine Classic

5.  Invest in Versatility

4. The Icon

3. Feng Shui your way to Abundance

2. The Brilliance of Baccarat

1.  The Eye has to Travel

I am thankful for each and every one of you, my readers. Thank you again for taking this journey with me.  It means so much!  

Here's to 500 more!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations Carrie - if we hadn't blogged we wouldn't have met, and I value your friendship tremendously. I love your blog! Keep it going...xxo Tamara


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